Tier 2 TWG: Update

Andy Turner, EPCC

  • Representation from each site (sometimes multiple representatives)
    • Additional expertise drawn in as required
  • Links to:
    • ARCHER – via EPCC representatives
    • DiRAC – 2 members on both Tier-2 TWG and DiRAC TWG
    • HPC-SIG – Multiple TWG members are active in HPC-SIG
    • UK-RSE – Multiple TWG members active in UK-RSE
  • 8 meetings so far
  • Moving to regular bi-weekly schedule

SAFE integration progress

  • Fully-integrated:
    • Cirrus
    • HPC Midlands+
  • In progress:
    • GW4 – signup available in SAFE, accounting waiting on full system
    • CSD3 – already integrated for DiRAC so should be straightforward
    • JADE – already in Hartree SAFE, plan to exchange data between SAFEs
    • MMMHub – initial explorations underway

TWG RSE Subgroup

  • Initial RSE meeting planned for early Dec 2017
    • Introductions and discussion of technical assessment process, agree topics for future discussion, discuss potential face-to-face meeting
  • A number of one-to-one meetings have already taken place
  • Will link into wider RSE community, e.g.:
    • UK RSE Leaders group
    • ARCHER CSE service

Site RSE representatives

  • Cirrus: Andy Turner, EPCC
  • CSD3: Filippo Spiga, University of Cambridge
  • MMM Hub: Heather Kelly, UCL
  • JADE: Paul Richmond, University of Sheffield
  • HPC Mid+: Feng Chen, Loughborough University
  • GW4: James Price, University of Bristol

TWG Data Subgroup

  • Initial topics:
    • Understanding data workflow use cases
    • Proposing ways of using Tier-2 object store
    • Technologies for transferring data between sites – what common technologies should sites support?
    • Enabling complex workflows that use multiple sites (and external resources)
  • Led by Aaron Turner, Loughborough University