HPC Carpentry

Andy Turner: a.turner@epcc.ed.ac.uk
EPCC, The University of Edinburgh
30 July 2018

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  • Bob Freeman, Harvard, USA
  • Christina Koch, University of Wisconsin, Madison, USA
  • Alan O'Cais, Juelich Supercomputing Centre, Germany
  • Alex Razoumov, Compute Canada
  • Jeff Sessions, Compute Canada
  • John Simpson, Compute Canada
  • Daniel Smith, MolSSI, USA
  • Peter Steinbach, Scionics, Germany
  • Andy Turner, EPCC, UK

What is HPC Carpentry?


Apply the Carpentry model for HPC training

Open-source, community-designed training

Easy to adapt for different systems

Accessible to different audiences

Initial learner profile

  • I am not sure how HPC can help my research?
  • I do not have the basic technical skills to use HPC.
  • Just give me what I need to get on with my research on HPC.
  • What is an HPC system anyway? How does it differ from the computer I am already using? What about “the Cloud”?
  • How do I get help and/or help myself when I get stuck?
  • I feel unsure and out of my depth with HPC.
  • I do not understand the shared nature of HPC systems.


  • Why use HPC?
  • Login and transferring data
  • Understanding HPC jargon
  • Basic understanding of HPC architectures and practical implications for their use
  • File systems on HPC systems
  • In-terminal text editors
  • modules, environment, applications
  • The scheduler and writing job submission scripts
  • Shared system etiquette
  • Troubleshooting strategies

What about teaching the shell??

There has been a lot of discussion about this!

  • Whether this is needed or not depends on the particular audience
  • HPC Carpentry is using a modular approach to add flexibility (more later).


System differences

  • Need to be easy to incorporate with minimal editing
  • Plan to do this automatically as much as possible
  • Set a configuration option once and it will be built with the correct setup
  • As the community grows, more system types will be available
  • (Could also be used to provide different research community flavours of the material.)

Range of learner experience

  • Wide range of different backgrounds
    • Could be grouped by ability or research area
  • Flexibility required in topics…but need to maintain coherency and avoid maintenance overhead
  • Plan to use a modular approach with recommended configurations

Status and Plans

Original instances


Produced by Compute Canada


Produced by Peter Steinbach

Topic hpc-intro hpc-in-a-day
bash Shell
Why HPC?
Login, data transfer
Software modules
File systems
Shared system etiquette
Parallelism and profiling


Half-day modules:

  • hpc-shell: Introduction to bash (based on hpc-intro)
  • hpc-intro: All other topics from hpc-intro
    • Merge in relevant material from hpc-in-a-day
    • Merge in contributions from CarpentryCon 2018
  • Others (from original Compute Canada material):
    • hpc-python-novice: Introduction to using Python on HPC systems (based on hpc-python)
    • hpc-python-pipeline: Using Python for computational pipelines on HPC systems (based on hpc-python)
  • Potential to add additional modules if other topics are required.

Planned initial release of this structure later in 2018


  • hpc-in-a-day includes technology to switch between different systems, login hosts and schedulers by setting config options
  • Plan to incorporate this into hpc-intro
  • Could expand this technology to allow automatic switching of other things, for example:
    • Examples from particular research areas
    • Different file system setups


  • Initial group of maintainers has been formed (still need to assign specific maintainers for each lesson)
  • Guidance on using HPC Carpentry lessons drafted
  • Policy on accepting contributions drafted

Canonoical locations

Getting Involved


Use the HPC Carpentry material and teach it!

Then provide feedback on how it can be improved

ps. Don't forget to tell the HPC Carpentry that you are planning to teach it!


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Join and contribute to the mailing list

Contribute to the repository (content and/or issues)


Help us maintain HPC Carpentry

Let maintainers-hpc@lists.carpentries.org know you are interested.



