Robert Freeman Jr., Harvard University
Trevor Kellar, NIST
Christina Koch, University of Wisconson-Maddison
Alan O’Cais, Forschungszentrum Jülich
Alex Razoumov, Compute Canada
John Simpson, Compute Canada
Jeffrey Stafford, Compute Canada
Peter Steinbach, Scionics
Andy Turner, EPCC, The University of Edinburgh
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Provide practical, hands-on skills in using remote, advanced computing for researchers
Carpentry is aimed at novice users
Carpentry approach has proven very successful at getting reesearchers from non-traditional areas up and running with computational tools
Provide a welcoming and inclusive environment for training for all
Allow the HPC community to work together to generate high quality training materials
Enable access to high quality HPC training materials worldwide, including developing countries
Through community involvement - following the approach used successfully by Software Carpentry and Data Carpentry
Set of maintainers responsible for reviewing and strategic decisions around each lesson
Lessons created in a format that makes contribution easy
This has not been discussed in much detail. Potential metrics include:
Number of workshops run in different countries/terretories in a year
Number of workshop attendees and trainers from underrepresented groups
Number of feedback responses received in pre and post workshop surveys and during workshops
Average score in post-workshop feedback surveys
Number of different contributors to lesson development
Number of different countries/terretories involved in lesson development
Enabling new research on advanced computational facilities
Increase in uptake of advanced computing by new disciplines
Improve advanced computing skills in researchers
Improved quality of HPC basic training available for researchers
Wider range of people able to train researchers to use advanced computing
Increased awareness of impact and utility of advanced computing in research
Train-the-trainer is a fundamental part of the Carpentry approach to training
Embedded into the process for Carpentry workshops, each workshop is an opportunity to expand the pool of HPC Carpentry trainers
Open source nature of the training material allows new instructors to take the material and modify it for their needs easily
Free Carpentry instructor training available online: