The DiRAC RSE Group

3rd Conference of Research Software Engineering, Birmingham
4 September 2018

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DiRAC is the integrated supercomputing facility for theoretical modelling and HPC-based research in particle physics, and astrophysics, cosmology, and nuclear physics, all areas in which the UK is world-leading. DiRAC provides a variety of compute resources, matching machine architecture to the algorithm design and requirements of the research problems to be solved.

DiRAC HPC Systems

  • Extreme Scaling@Edinburgh: Large amounts of compute cores connected by very high-bandwidth interconnect
  • Memory Intensive@Durham: Large memory nodes with high-performance interconnect
  • Data Intensive@Cambrige, Leicester: Variety of different advanced computing technologies
Tesseract cabinets


Started formally in late 2017. 3.5 FTE technical effort distributed across the DiRAC

  • Edinburgh: 1.5 FTE (+ RSE managment effort)
  • Durham: 1.0 FTE
  • Leicester: 0.5 FTE
  • Cambridge: 0.5 FTE

Researchers apply for RSE effort through peer-reviewed applications for improvements linked directly to the funded research project

RSE Projects

Threading in Phantom

Sam Cox


PHANTOM is an efficient, low memory code for astrophysical fluid dynamics using the Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH) technique

  • Fortran with OpenMP
  • Initial profiles revealed issues with threading efficiency in key part of the application
  • Improved tree distribution of work to improve performance

Work distribution

Distributing threads in Phantom

Thread utilisation

Thread utilisation in Phantom

Performance improvement

Phantom performance improvement

Optimisation of Baidu ML using ideas from QCD

Peter Boyle and Guido Cossau

What do QCD and ML have in common?

Both require best bandwidth from Infiniband interconnect

What is stopping applications accessing wire performance on Infiniband?

  • Not enough work to saturate the links from single MPI thread
  • Overheads associated with page faults

How can we achieve best BW on Infiniband?

  • Use hugepages to reduce number of potential page faults
    • Transparent hugepages are not generally enough as Linux virtual memory gets fragmented over time and transparent hugepages do not guarantee concurrency…
    • …must configure reserved huge pages at boot time.
    • On x86 processors, since 1985, the time to read a page has decreased by 4000x but the number of pages has increased by 100,000x with the page size staying constant at 4KB.
  • Have multiple MPI communicators running on separate threads to saturate the interconnect BW

What did this actually entail in practice?

Collaboration with MPI library developers to implement multithreaded requirements properly

Collaboration with system administrators to enable reservation and allocation of hugepages by users

Modification of the Baidu code to allocate memory through hugepages and implement MPI communicators on multiple threads

Performance gains

Increased %age of wire BW achieved to 80-90% from 15%

Leads to 4-10x increase in actual application performance

Interconnect performance for Baidu research ML code

EAGLE Physics in SWIFT

Alexei Borissov

The EAGLE Project

  • The EAGLE project involved some of the largest simulations of universe evolution using smoothed particle hydrodynamics (SPH) code Gadget2
  • EAGLE allowed detailed investigation of large variety of phenomena including galaxy formation, evolution, and interaction

Why move to SWIFT?

  • Improved performance will allow new research
  • Improved sustainability of the research software
  • Improved sharing of algorithms and software
The EAGLE simulation


  • SWIFT is a next-generation open-source SPH cosmology code designed to exploit modern algorithms and parallelisation techniques
  • It is significantly faster (up to 30x when running only hydrodynamics) than code used to run EAGLE, and shows good strong scaling to 200 000 cores, allowing larger simulations, or greater resolution.
  • Designed to be modular with regards to subgrid physics implementation, allowing wide range of simulations - from planet scale to universe scale
  • Image is final snapshot of dark matter only simulation run with SWIFT using 4.5 × 108 particles in an 800Mpc box. Simulation run from early universe to present took 75 hours on 28 cores (1 node), representing a speedup of 8.5x over Gadget2
SWIFT dark matter simulation

EAGLE Physics in SWIFT

  • Implementation of subgrid physics from EAGLE in SWIFT, including cooling, star formation, stellar feedback, chemical enrichment, black hole formation and feedback
  • Appropriate functions need to be adapted from EAGLE or written in order to implement each of these phenomena within SWIFT
  • Automated tests and documentation for each are also required
  • Currently cooling has been implemented and automated tests have been written


  • Cooling rate of a particle depends on: internal energy, redshift, hydrogen number density, helium fraction, metallicity
  • Rates are stored in 4D tables which are interpolated to obtain cooling rate for single particle
  • An improved integration scheme to evolve internal energy, based on the Newton-Raphson method was implemented to reduce number of table lookups (as opposed to bisection method in EAGLE)
  • Tests were written to confirm cooling rate is read correctly from tables and to ensure cooling of uniform box of gas is performed correctly by comparing with subcycled explicit solution
Contribution to cooling by element Cooling of uniform gas

Staggered Fermion Performance of Grid on KNL

Azusa Yamagouchi

Grid QCD Software

  • Key Quantum Chromodynamics simulation program. Theoretical support for discovery at LHC and beyond.
  • Understand the strong force binding quarks in hadrons How are protons, neutrons, mesons built out of quarks.
  • MCMC evaluation of Feynman path integral for QCD.

Optimise performance of staggered fermion treatement within Grid on multi-node KNL platform to support major UK QCD project on CSD3 system at Cambridge. Research internationally connected to DOE funded USQCD and MILC, HPQCD and Fermilab collaborations.

DiRAC operator on KNL

  • Multiple right hand side solver: apply same PDE matrix to many solves at once to enhance cache reuse:
    • Single and double precision on single node
  • first KNL implementation that works on multiple nodes
  • BlockCG: share Krylov space search directions across many solves: 1000 iterations -> 221 iterations for 8 RHS

Performance gains

  • New algorithm yields double improvement axis:
    • Higher flop rate: due to more efficient cache reuse
    • Lower flop count: due to solving multiple RHS simultaneously
  • Combined improvements give a 7x improvement in time to solution on a single node. e.g.:
    • 1.2s for 1 RHS
    • 1.4s for 8 RHS

Also worked to push these improvements upstream into the US MILC QCD software but this has been hampered by software moderators requiring work beyond the scope of this project before incorporation. UK researchers using the development branch of MILC to access improvements for their work.

Optimisation of Gandalf

Mark Filipiak


GANDALF is an astrophysical hydrodynamics/N-body dynamics code for star formation, planet formation, and star cluster problems.

Information from researchers:

  • Most time-consuming routine (calculating forces - computationally intensive) does not use vectorisation
  • Next most time-consuming routines (finding neighbouring particles) are memory limited – increased cache use should improve performance
  • OpenMP scaling is expected to be good
  • MPI scaling suffers from load imbalance

Initial investigations

Measuring performance using the Intel performance tools: Advisor (vectorisation), VTune Amplifier (cache use, OpenMP scaling)

  • Intel performance tools help you focus on the code hotspots but provide a lot of information which can be difficult to interpret
  • Always measure performance to decide optimisation strategy - the most time-consuming routine actually needs cache use improved as well as vectorisation
  • OpenMP scaling within a socket is confounded by effects that depend on the number of cores being used: usable memory bandwidth and Turbo Boost

Next steps: use Trace Analyser and Collector to measure MPI performance

Single node scaling

Scaling of Gandalf code within a single node


Andy Turner

The good, the bad and the ugly

  • Good: Diversity of approaches and expertise
  • Good: Natural delegation to leads at each site mitigates single points of failure and bottlenecks
  • Bad: Detailed technical discussion is more difficult
  • Bad: Fewer opportunities for ad hoc discussion and sharing of information
  • Ugly: RSE requests overseen and awarded by science panel which has led to poor estimates of RSE effort required for some projects

Things can only get better

  • Biannual face-to-face day-long meetings
  • Improve technical specification of projects and oversight before funding
  • Potential to allow researchers to use DiRAC RSE to fund people outwith the core team with specific expewrtise
  • Improve the process for assigning RSEs to provide technical reviews of DiRAC project proposals
