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Understand the purpose
- Who will the information be used by?
- What will the information be used for?
- What are you trying to compare?
UK benchmarking efforts
- HECBioSim
- GW4 Isambard
- UK National HPC Open Source Benchmarking
HECBioSim Benchmarking
James Gebbie, SCD, STFC
- Who? Support users with estimating resource requests for consortia HPC time applications
- What? To understand how scientific case translates into performance
- What? Understand how software choices affect scientific accuracy
- What? Enable beginner users of HPC to make the right decisions about software and compute resourcing
- Comparing full application performance of applications used by the consortia for realistic research scenarios
GW4, Isambard Benchmarking
James Price and Simon McIntosh-Smith, University of Bristol
- In the context of Isambard Tier-2 system, want to compare performance between various CPUs
- Initially working at the node level
- Also comparing different compilers and math libraries for each benchmark on each platform
- Have made all of our benchmarking scripts and results available on GitHub:
Benchmarks and processors
- Benchmark the most heavily used applications on ARCHER
- Working: CP2K GROMACS NAMD NEMO OpenFOAM OpenSBLI Unified Model
- In the pipeline: CASTEP and HYDRA
- Target processors:
- Cavium ThunderX2, 2x32 cores @ 2.2 GHz, 256 GB DDR4-2666
- Intel Xeon E5-2699 v4, 2x22 cores @ 2.2 GHz, 128 GB DDR-2400
- Intel Xeon Gold 6148, 2x20 cores @ 2.4 GHz, 192 GB DDR4-2666
- Intel Xeon Platinum 8176, 2x28 cores @ 2.1 GHz, 192 GB DDR4-2666
Current results
Wait, what?
Benchmarking is about quantitative comparison
Most benchmarking studies do not lend themselves to quantitative comparison
- Do not publish raw results, only processed data
- Do not publish details of how data was processed in suffcient detail
- Do not provide input datasets and job submission scripts
- Do not provide details of the how software was compiled
Our purpose
- Who? Users and RSEs
- What? Choosing the architecture to use, understanding differences between performance on different architectures
- Compare full application performance for HPC appications on representative cases for researchers
- Most benchmarking studies do not provide the required information for qualitative comparison
- We can do better than this!
- Also allows for easy contributions from many different people/groups
Never plot speedup!