Tier2 HPC

Andy Turner, EPCC
26 March 2017


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Tier2 Facilities

Tier 2 national HPC logo EPSRC logo

Nationally accessible, located across the UK

Logos of Tier 2 HPC hosting organisations
Map of Tier 2 HPC hosting organisations

Intel Xeon Clusters

10,080 core Broadwell, FDR Infiniband Hypercube
HPC Midlands+
14,336 core Broadwell, 3:1 blocking EDR Infiniband (764 core non-blocking)
10 POWER8 per nodes with 1 TB memory
Cambridge CSD3
24,576 core Skylake, Intel Omnipath
Materials and Molecular Modelling Hub
17,280 core Broadwell, 3:1 blocking Intel Omnipath (864 core non-blocking)

Other architectures

22 Nvidia DGX-1: 2× Xeon + 8× Nvidia P100 GPGPU
Cambridge CSD3
90 nodes: Xeon + 4× Nvidia P100 GPGPU, EDR Infiniband
384 Xeon Phi nodes (96 GiB memory per node), Intel Omnipath
50 node Hadoop Cluster
10,000+ ARMv8 cores, Cray Aries Interconnect
Due mid-2018
HPC Midlands+
Cambridge CSD3
Materials and Molecular Modelling Hub
HPC-UK logo

Information on facilities and how to access them


Open Source, community-developed resource



Comparitive Benchmarking

System comparison

System Processor Cores per node Total cores Interconnect
ARCHER Ivy Bridge 24 (2× 12) 118,080 Aries Dragonfly
Cirrus Broadwell 36 (2× 18) 10,080 FDR Hypercube
Athena Broadwell 28 (2× 14) 14,336 EDR Tree
Thomas Broadwell 24 (2× 12) 17,280 OPA Tree
CSD3-Skylake Skylake Gold 32 (2× 16) 24,576 OPA Tree

Node comparison

System Cores@GHz FP / Gflops/s …to ARCHER Memory Channels Memory BW / GB/s …to ARCHER
ARCHER 24@2.7 518.4 1.0 8 119.4 1.0
Cirrus 36@2.1 1209.6 2.3 8 153.6 1.3
Athena 28@2.4 1075.2 2.1 8 153.6 1.3
Thomas 24@2.1 806.4 1.6 8 153.6 1.3
CSD3-Skylake 32@2.6 2662.4 5.1 12 238.4 2.0

CASTEP - Medium

CASTEP medium benchmark performance plot

CASTEP - Medium (1 node)

System SCF cycle …to ARCHER …to ARCHER (FP) …to ARCHER (Mem)
ARCHER 184.2 1.0 1.0 1.0
Cirrus 102.4 1.8 2.3 1.3
Athena 100.6 1.8 2.1 1.3
Thomas 123.3 1.5 1.6 1.3
CSD3-Skylake 61.3 3.0 5.1 2.0


GROMACS benchmark performance plot


OpenSBLI medium benchmark performance plot

Further work required to understand this

HPCC RandomRing

HPCC RandomRing benchmark performance plot

CASTEP - Large

CASTEP large benchmark performance plot


  • Wide range of HPC resources available
  • Initial benchmarking of Xeon systems undertaken
  • More recent processors generally give improved performance…
  • …but amount of improvement is application-dependent
  • Synthetic benchmark results do not always reflect real performance



UK National HPC Benchmarks (ARCHER White Paper)