HPC facilities for UK researchers

Andy Turner, EPCC

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  • One of Europe's top HPC centres
  • 27 years old: ~90 staff
  • Fully self-sustaining: £8m turnover per annum
  • Leading UK national HPC provider
  • Range of expertise: HPC to Data Science and Cloud
  • Work closely with academia and industry
  • FARR INSTITUTE: data analytics service for NHS Scotland safe haven
  • SSI: better software, better research
  • FORTISSIMO: Europe's largest collaborative programme for HPC with SMEs

Facilities hosted at EPCC ACF

  • ARCHER - UK National Supercomputing Service
  • DiRAC Extreme Scaling - STFC national HPC service
  • Cirrus - National Tier-2 HPC resource
  • UK RDF - Large scale data store and analysis
  • ATI - Novel data science platforms
  • FARR - NHS Scotland safe haven and data analysis
  • Catalyst - Arm processors for HPC

UK HPC Facilities

HPC Tiers

  • Tier-1 Facilities: ARCHER and DiRAC
  • Tier-2 Facilities: (between Tier-1 and Tier-3!)
  • Tier-3 Facilities: institutional facilities
  • Other Facilities: e.g. commercial cloud

Distinctions often blur between different tiers

Information on facilities and how to access them


Open Source, community developed resource

HPC Services Covered


UK National Supercomputer Service

ARCHER Service Design

  • High core count distributed memory: 1000+ cores
  • "Traditional" capability HPC
  • Main users: Materials science, Climate/ocean modelling, CFD, etc.
  • Growing interest in non-traditional use: e.g. data science, bioinformatics

Cray XC30: 118,080 cores (4920 nodes)
2× 12-core Xeon per node; 64/128 GiB memory

ARCHER Support

Large amount of support provided by EPCC

  • Helpdesk with access to all EPCC expertise
  • Free training across the UK
  • eCSE calls for software development - now closed
  • Benchmarking/profiling work to support users

All free at point of use

Access to ARCHER

Instant Access (EPSRC remit only)
Small amounts of resource to test ARCHER facilities
ARCHER Driving Test
Complete simple test and gain small amounts of resource to test ARCHER facilities
Resource Allocation Panel (RAP) (EPSRC remit only)
Applications for large amounts of ARCHER resource for 1 year
Grant Access
Add access costs to grant application (notional for EPSRC/NERC, real otherwise)



STFC National HPC Service

  • Range of different systems
  • Covers capacity to capability use
  • Main HPC resource for STFC
Extreme Scaling: Edinburgh Tesseract
Designed for applications that scale to high core counts
Memory Intensive: Durham COSMA
High core counts using high memory per core, high performance interconnect and I/O
Data Intensive: Cambridge Cumulus and Leicester
High performance interconnect and I/O, range of processor technologies

Access to DiRAC

Seedcorn Access
Small amounts of resource to test DiRAC facilities. Always available by contacting the DiRAC service.
Resource Allocation Committee (RAC)
Applications for large amounts of DiRAC resource for either 1 year (small projects) or 3 years (large projects).


Tier2: National Facilities

Nationally accessible, located across the UK

Intel Xeon Clusters

10,080 core Broadwell, FDR Infiniband Hypercube
HPC Midlands+
14,336 core Broadwell, 3:1 blocking EDR Infiniband (764 core non-blocking)
10 POWER8 per nodes with 1 TB memory
36,864 core Skylake, Intel Omnipath
Materials and Molecular Modelling Hub
17,280 core Broadwell, 3:1 blocking Intel Omnipath (864 core non-blocking)

Other architectures

22 Nvidia DGX-1: 2× Xeon + 8× Nvidia P100 GPGPU
90 nodes: Xeon + 4× Nvidia P100 GPGPU, EDR Infiniband
384 Xeon Phi nodes (96 GiB memory per node), Intel Omnipath
50 node Hadoop Cluster
10,000+ ARMv8 cores, Cray Aries Interconnect
  • Flexible HPC:
    • Traditional HPC
    • Task farming
    • Data science
    • 2× 16-core Xeon per node, 256 GiB memory
    • 10,080 cores (280 nodes)
  • Supported by EPCC experts:
    • Broad range of experience and expertise
    • Close links with ARCHER technical support

Cirrus Software

  • Wide range of supported software:
    • HPC applications: e.g. CASTEP, OpenFOAM, GROMACS
    • Data science software: e.g. Hadoop, Spark
    • Profiling and debugging tools
  • Customisable environment:
    • Singularity containers
    • Hosting of user-controlled virtual machines

Access to Tier2

Instant Access (EPSRC remit only)
Small amounts of resource to test Tier2 facilities
Available on Cirrus and Cumulus
Resource Allocation Panel (RAP) (EPSRC remit only)
Applications for large amounts of Tier2 resource for 1 year (next call due Mar/Apr 2019)
Grant Access
Add access costs to grant application (notional for EPSRC, real otherwise)
Materials and Molecular Modelling Hub
Access via Materials Chemistry (MCC) or UK Car-Parrinello (UKCP) consortia
HPC Midlands+
Materials and Molecular Modelling Hub

Other HPC Facilities

International Facilities

Large-scale European facilities
Number of different call types available
Access to the largest HPC facilities in the USA
Need to demonstrate need for extreme parallel scaling

Commercial Cloud

All major cloud providers offer some sort of HPC with pay per access.

  • Complex to setup at the moment
  • Cost per hour is more expensive than UK facilities
  • Can be extremely flexible and grow/shrink on-demand
  • Viable option for large number of single node jobs, not yet there for multinode MPI jobs

Getting Advice


  • Helpdesks: ARCHER and Cirrus
    • Service focussed
    • Access to full range of EPCC expertise as required
  • Collaborative projects
    • Add EPCC staff to proposals
    • Use up small amounts of "left-over" money in existing grants
    • Co-supervise MSc projects
  • Training courses
  • Informal advice: always happy to chat to you!


From local HPC Champions

  • Experienced HPC users or service staff
  • Willing to help local users with advice on:
    • Access routes to HPC
    • Suitability of different resources
    • Where to go for more help
  • Currently listed on the ARCHER website but remit is wider than just ARCHER


Campaigning for the recognition of the RSE role, creating a community of RSE's and organising events for RSE's to meet, exchange knowledge and collaborate.

Join the community!


Open Source Benchmarking

Dilbert benchmarking



What is open source benchmarking?

  • Full output data from benchmark runs are freely available
  • Full information on compilation (if performed) freely available
  • Full information on how benchmarks are run are freely available
  • Input data for benchmarks are freely available
  • Source for all analysis programs are freely available

Problems with benchmarking studies

Benchmarking is about quantitative comparison

Most benchmarking studies do not lend themselves to quantitative comparison

  • Do not publish raw results, only processed data
  • Do not publish details of how data was processed in suffcient detail
  • Do not provide input datasets and job submission scripts
  • Do not provide details of the how software was compiled

Benefits of open source approach

  • Allows proper comparison with other studies
  • Data can reused (in different ways) by other people
  • Easy to share and collaborate with others
  • Verification and checking - people can check your approach and analysis

CASTEP (plane-wave DFT): Al Slab

Plot of CASTEP performance

GROMACS (classical N-body): 1400k Atoms

Plot of GROMACS performance

OpenSBLI (CFD): 1024 Taylor-Green Vortex

Plot of OpenSBLI performance


  • Intel Skylake Gold systems generally best performing for most applications
  • Accelerators (GPUs) not been incorporated into benchmarking yet (coming Spring 2019!)
  • Results for Arm64/AMD systems not available yet in this set but early indications are engouraging

Initial performance comparison: https://edin.ac/2Q1m7ot

GW4 Isambard Arm64 performance results: http://uob-hpc.github.io/assets/cug-2018.pdf


Test Access

ARCHER Driving Test: Access to ARCHER for any researcher based at UK institution

Instant Access: Access to ARCHER, Cirrus, CSD3 for EPSRC-remit research

DiRAC Seedcorn: Access to DiRAC for STFC-remit research

Specific Calls for Compute Time

EPSRC RAP: Access to ARCHER and Tier2 for EPSRC-remit research

DiRAC RAC: Access to DiRAC for STFC-remit research

Access via grant proposals

ARCHER: any funding body possible - notional costs for EPSRC/NERC

Tier2: any funding body possible - notional costs for EPSRC

DiRAC: no time via grant applications - DiRAC RAC used instead

  • Wide range of HPC facilities available to UK researchers
  • Different access mechanisms for different research areas
  • EPCC can support your research in a number of ways - please get in touch!
  • HPC Champions and RSE network also available for help and support
  • Benchmark data available to help you choose the right service